Barns of Mackinac County, Michigan
135 Barns plus a few "extras"

R.V. ("Dick") Dietrich
Professor emeritus C.M.U.

Bois Blanc Township
Long-term residents with whom I have talked indicate that there are no longer any barns on the island.  An email request for confirmation or modification of this information from the "historical society" of the island received no response.  The following old photograph seems to give this township fine representation.  

Bb1. (north of Lime Kiln Point Rd.; sec. 17 [per map in Mackinac County ... Plat Book (2009), but may be sec 14*], T.39N.-R. 2W.)  Extra no. 1:

            This former barn, the photograph of which dates to 1911, is recalled as "rather low but long and built substantially of logs . . . [It was at the] Vosper logging camp [, which] was located about mid-way between the Pines and the west end of Bois Blanc Is., and there were about 35 lumberjacks involved in this camp.  ' kind of hard to believe today because there is nothing left but a little clearing -- mostly overgrown" (Jim Vosper, p.c., 2011).  A different photograph of the same barn is in Vosper (2001, p. 20).   (photo � courtesy Jim Vosper)


* The location is "C & I ..." lot, which is northwest of the airplane symbol, west of the name of the road, and directly below the 17 on the plat book map (ibid.).